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The End Is Nigh

Cathy Coleman, President

Setter in Mid Air

I can hardly believe that our season is almost over. Remember that we are voting next Sunday.

These are our two candidates for Member at Large.

- Wade Cavitt

- Candy Thornton

If you would like to cast your ballot by email, Richard will be accepting those votes by email from Monday, October 15 through Friday, October 19 until 12:00 pm. Anything time stamped later than Friday will not be counted. We will be filling out the paper work that Richard needs for the upcoming season. You can download the form here. Royce and Joan need our scheduling fees paid in full at that meeting. Please be there to take care of your information and fees. Sonny and Paul,

Thank you for your service to our chapter this past season.


Thank you for keeping us busy and working.

We look forward to the new members of the board who will be serving in new capacities in the 2019-2020 year. Members, you are what makes us great. We have had a lot of changes and you have handled them beautifully. I am proud of what we do day in and day out. Finish strong.

- Cathy Coleman

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