We continue to have questions. In an effort to keep everyone informed, please provide this information to your officials as soon as possible.
Gaiters worn by players: • Players can wear the gaiter around their neck during play. No penalty should be imposed for it being around the neck and not pulled up. • Gaiters do not need to be matching for a team. • Gaiters do not need to be school colors.
Regular masks that fall off during play: • Safety is judged by the referees. If the official feels it is a safety issue, stop play and resume with a replay.
Serving the ball - • Do we ‘share’ serve as we always do, or can we serve separately? - We are flexible with what coaches wish to do. Make this decision at the pre-match conference. - We are hitting the same ball during the match so there is little difference with contact of the ball between serve and play. - If we share serve, players could use hand sanitizer at the conclusion of serve time when they return to their bench. - If teams decide at the pre-match conference that they wish to serve separately, each team’s warm-up time should be adjusted with them serving immediately after hitting. FOR EXAMPLE. Usual warm-up time is 5-5-2. [5 hitting minutes/visitor; 5 hitting minutes/home team and 2 minutes serving time together]. If teams decide to serve separately, their hit/service time would be 7 minutes total which includes their serve time. Visitor hits/serves for 7 minutes and then home team hits/serves for 7 minutes. • Pepper Time when not on the net: Usually we pepper/warm-up behind the team that is hitting at the net. Do we still do that? - Again, we are flexible with what coaches wish to do. Make this decision at the prematch conference. - Suggestions: o If we are in a large facility (for example a coliseum), there is ample room for a team to pepper/warm-up as always at the end of the court behind the hitting team without issues… plenty of space. o If there is a tunnel or other area that is large and away from the court, peppering could be there. o In a tight gym, there might be a hallway that can be utilized. o Or in smaller facilities, teams can go to their bench area and rest during this time. • Linesmen: Do linesmen stand on their team’s side of the net? - For the purposes of social distancing, it would probably be better for linesmen to stand on their own team’s side of the net. - If the referee feels that the linesperson is not being fair with calls, he/she can always replace that linesperson. - UIL has outlined their policies with respect to teams, bench staff and coaches wearing face masks and social distancing. The officials will not be involved in policing either of these items. Should there not be enough seating for all players because of social distancing, officials will allow players to stand behind the bench.
• The Ball: Should the ball be sanitized during the match? - That would be the school’s decision. • Volleyball Sleeves - As a reminder, sleeves are legal and can be any color. • Whistle – regular vs electronic - Regular whistles are preferred unless a mask is worn.
Be Safe! Stay Healthy!