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A New Season is Upon Us

Cathy Coleman, President

Hi all.

I am starting my agenda for our first meeting on July 29th. As always, the 0-3 year officials will meet at Trinity Lutheran at 2:00. Paul Ortega will lead that meeting and talk about uniforms, equipment, pre-game, and how to check the net, write down a line up on a line-up card, and anything else he thinks is important.

At 3:00, everyone will meet. We will be talking about stuff Richard and Royce need from you. Sonny will tell you what he needs to. I will talk about the test and the new payment format from UIL. Our center point moved so I will explain all of that.

If there is anything anyone thinks of for me to go over, let me know. Remember that all of our meetings are posted on

See you on July 28th in Lubbock at the Regional Clinic and then again on Sunday.

- Cathy Coleman

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